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✨ How It Works

Find your perfect agent in three simple steps

Quick, easy, and completely free
No commitment required

1. Tell us about your needs

Share basic details about your property and what you're looking to achieve. It takes less than 2 minutes.

2. Get matched with agents

We'll connect you with top local agents who specialize in your area and property type.

3. Compare and choose

Review personalized proposals from agents and choose the best fit for your needs. No pressure, no obligations.

Platform Features

Everything you need to find your perfect agent

Our platform streamlines the agent selection process with powerful features designed to help you make the best choice for your property.

Easy Property Submission

Share your property details in minutes through our simple form. No complicated processes, just the essential information needed to match you with the right agents.


Multiple Free Proposals

Receive proposals from several local agents without any cost. Compare different approaches and choose the one that best matches your needs.


Local Market Experts

Get connected with agents who know your neighborhood inside out. Our network includes experienced professionals with proven success in your local market.


No-Pressure Process

Take your time to review proposals and make decisions. There's no obligation to choose any agent, and you're in control of the entire process.


What people are saying about Leadhive

Join thousands of happy home sellers
who found their perfect real estate agent through our platform

Using Leadhive to find an agent was so easy.I received 3 proposals within 24 hours and found the perfect agent for my property. Sold above asking price!

Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Home Seller in Boston

I was nervous about selling my first home, but Leadhive made it simple. The agents were patient and knowledgeable and helped me understand every step of the process.

Emma Rodriguez

Emma Rodriguez

First-time Home Seller

Leadhive matched me with the perfect local agent.My house sold within two weeks and the whole process was completely stress-free.

David Thompson

David Thompson

Home Seller in Miami

Using Leadhive to find an agent was so easy.I received 3 proposals within 24 hours and found the perfect agent for my property. Sold above asking price!

Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Home Seller in Boston

I was nervous about selling my first home, but Leadhive made it simple. The agents were patient and knowledgeable and helped me understand every step of the process.

Emma Rodriguez

Emma Rodriguez

First-time Home Seller

Leadhive matched me with the perfect local agent.My house sold within two weeks and the whole process was completely stress-free.

David Thompson

David Thompson

Home Seller in Miami

Using Leadhive to find an agent was so easy.I received 3 proposals within 24 hours and found the perfect agent for my property. Sold above asking price!

Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Home Seller in Boston

I was nervous about selling my first home, but Leadhive made it simple. The agents were patient and knowledgeable and helped me understand every step of the process.

Emma Rodriguez

Emma Rodriguez

First-time Home Seller

Leadhive matched me with the perfect local agent.My house sold within two weeks and the whole process was completely stress-free.

David Thompson

David Thompson

Home Seller in Miami

Using Leadhive to find an agent was so easy.I received 3 proposals within 24 hours and found the perfect agent for my property. Sold above asking price!

Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

Home Seller in Boston

I was nervous about selling my first home, but Leadhive made it simple. The agents were patient and knowledgeable and helped me understand every step of the process.

Emma Rodriguez

Emma Rodriguez

First-time Home Seller

Leadhive matched me with the perfect local agent.My house sold within two weeks and the whole process was completely stress-free.

David Thompson

David Thompson

Home Seller in Miami

Comparing different agents through Leadhive was eye-opening.Each proposal offered unique strategies for selling my home. Found exactly what I was looking for.

Jennifer Chen

Jennifer Chen

Home Seller in Seattle

The best part about Leadhive? No pressure or endless phone calls. I could review proposals at my own pace and choose the agent I felt most comfortable with.

Robert Miller

Robert Miller

Home Seller in Chicago

After trying to sell on my own, I turned to Leadhive.Within days, I had multiple qualified agents competing for my listing. Best decision I could have made.

Maria Garcia

Maria Garcia

Home Seller in Austin

Comparing different agents through Leadhive was eye-opening.Each proposal offered unique strategies for selling my home. Found exactly what I was looking for.

Jennifer Chen

Jennifer Chen

Home Seller in Seattle

The best part about Leadhive? No pressure or endless phone calls. I could review proposals at my own pace and choose the agent I felt most comfortable with.

Robert Miller

Robert Miller

Home Seller in Chicago

After trying to sell on my own, I turned to Leadhive.Within days, I had multiple qualified agents competing for my listing. Best decision I could have made.

Maria Garcia

Maria Garcia

Home Seller in Austin

Comparing different agents through Leadhive was eye-opening.Each proposal offered unique strategies for selling my home. Found exactly what I was looking for.

Jennifer Chen

Jennifer Chen

Home Seller in Seattle

The best part about Leadhive? No pressure or endless phone calls. I could review proposals at my own pace and choose the agent I felt most comfortable with.

Robert Miller

Robert Miller

Home Seller in Chicago

After trying to sell on my own, I turned to Leadhive.Within days, I had multiple qualified agents competing for my listing. Best decision I could have made.

Maria Garcia

Maria Garcia

Home Seller in Austin

Comparing different agents through Leadhive was eye-opening.Each proposal offered unique strategies for selling my home. Found exactly what I was looking for.

Jennifer Chen

Jennifer Chen

Home Seller in Seattle

The best part about Leadhive? No pressure or endless phone calls. I could review proposals at my own pace and choose the agent I felt most comfortable with.

Robert Miller

Robert Miller

Home Seller in Chicago

After trying to sell on my own, I turned to Leadhive.Within days, I had multiple qualified agents competing for my listing. Best decision I could have made.

Maria Garcia

Maria Garcia

Home Seller in Austin

The quality of agents on Leadhive impressed me.Every proposal was professional and detailed. Made choosing the right agent much easier than expected.

James Wilson

James Wilson

Home Seller in Denver

Leadhive saved me so much time.Instead of researching dozens of agents, I got matched with pre-screened professionals who knew my neighborhood well.

Patricia Lee

Patricia Lee

Home Seller in Portland

Selling a home is stressful, but Leadhive made it manageable.The agent they matched me with was fantastic and got me more than I expected for my home.

Michael Scott

Michael Scott

Home Seller in Phoenix

The quality of agents on Leadhive impressed me.Every proposal was professional and detailed. Made choosing the right agent much easier than expected.

James Wilson

James Wilson

Home Seller in Denver

Leadhive saved me so much time.Instead of researching dozens of agents, I got matched with pre-screened professionals who knew my neighborhood well.

Patricia Lee

Patricia Lee

Home Seller in Portland

Selling a home is stressful, but Leadhive made it manageable.The agent they matched me with was fantastic and got me more than I expected for my home.

Michael Scott

Michael Scott

Home Seller in Phoenix

The quality of agents on Leadhive impressed me.Every proposal was professional and detailed. Made choosing the right agent much easier than expected.

James Wilson

James Wilson

Home Seller in Denver

Leadhive saved me so much time.Instead of researching dozens of agents, I got matched with pre-screened professionals who knew my neighborhood well.

Patricia Lee

Patricia Lee

Home Seller in Portland

Selling a home is stressful, but Leadhive made it manageable.The agent they matched me with was fantastic and got me more than I expected for my home.

Michael Scott

Michael Scott

Home Seller in Phoenix

The quality of agents on Leadhive impressed me.Every proposal was professional and detailed. Made choosing the right agent much easier than expected.

James Wilson

James Wilson

Home Seller in Denver

Leadhive saved me so much time.Instead of researching dozens of agents, I got matched with pre-screened professionals who knew my neighborhood well.

Patricia Lee

Patricia Lee

Home Seller in Portland

Selling a home is stressful, but Leadhive made it manageable.The agent they matched me with was fantastic and got me more than I expected for my home.

Michael Scott

Michael Scott

Home Seller in Phoenix

What a great service! Leadhive helped me find an agent whosold my house $30,000 above asking price. The whole process was smooth and professional.

Linda Martinez

Linda Martinez

Home Seller in San Diego

I appreciated how Leadhive vetted the agents first.Every proposal I received was high-quality and showed deep market knowledge. Excellent service!

Thomas Anderson

Thomas Anderson

Home Seller in Atlanta

From start to finish, Leadhive exceeded my expectations.Found an amazing agent who sold my home in just 5 days. Couldn't ask for a better experience.

Susan Taylor

Susan Taylor

Home Seller in Nashville

What a great service! Leadhive helped me find an agent whosold my house $30,000 above asking price. The whole process was smooth and professional.

Linda Martinez

Linda Martinez

Home Seller in San Diego

I appreciated how Leadhive vetted the agents first.Every proposal I received was high-quality and showed deep market knowledge. Excellent service!

Thomas Anderson

Thomas Anderson

Home Seller in Atlanta

From start to finish, Leadhive exceeded my expectations.Found an amazing agent who sold my home in just 5 days. Couldn't ask for a better experience.

Susan Taylor

Susan Taylor

Home Seller in Nashville

What a great service! Leadhive helped me find an agent whosold my house $30,000 above asking price. The whole process was smooth and professional.

Linda Martinez

Linda Martinez

Home Seller in San Diego

I appreciated how Leadhive vetted the agents first.Every proposal I received was high-quality and showed deep market knowledge. Excellent service!

Thomas Anderson

Thomas Anderson

Home Seller in Atlanta

From start to finish, Leadhive exceeded my expectations.Found an amazing agent who sold my home in just 5 days. Couldn't ask for a better experience.

Susan Taylor

Susan Taylor

Home Seller in Nashville

What a great service! Leadhive helped me find an agent whosold my house $30,000 above asking price. The whole process was smooth and professional.

Linda Martinez

Linda Martinez

Home Seller in San Diego

I appreciated how Leadhive vetted the agents first.Every proposal I received was high-quality and showed deep market knowledge. Excellent service!

Thomas Anderson

Thomas Anderson

Home Seller in Atlanta

From start to finish, Leadhive exceeded my expectations.Found an amazing agent who sold my home in just 5 days. Couldn't ask for a better experience.

Susan Taylor

Susan Taylor

Home Seller in Nashville

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about LeadHive
and how we can help you succeed.

Have more questions? Email us at support@leadhive.tech

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